New beginings,
stronger futures.

Moving to a new country is tough, but you don’t have to do it alone.  Scroll to learn more about who we help, and how.


Our work.

We are NicerFL, a community-based organization that provides a welcoming place for refugees and new immigrant families to help them integrate and feel they belong in the community.

Who we help

Supporting our newest neighbors.

Florida is home to one of the largest imigrant populations in the U.S., with over 4.5 million foreign-born residents as of 2019 (Migration Policy Institute, 2021).  Between 2020 and 2022, the state resettled  over 15,000 refugees, primarily from Cuba, Venezuela, and Syria.  More recently, the number of regugees and individuals with Temporary Protected Status in Florida’s Suncoast region alone has surged to over 18,000, highlighting a growing need for support and resources.


What is NicerFL doing?

Our participants have often fled their home countries due to political instability, economic hardship, or personal safety concerns, leaving behind established lives and support systems.

Upon arrival, many face significant challenges to integration and self-sufficiency.  Language barriers are a major barrier.  Without the ability to communicate effectively, newcomers struggle to navigate daily life, acces essential services, and find employment.  

NicerFL Welcome Centers provide newcomers with a sense of place and belonging through free personalized educational programs and resources and the help of local resident volunteers and community partners.

We give newcomers a network of people and friends so that they can quickly feel at home in our communities.

As a nonprofit organization supporting the integration of refugees and new immigrants, NicerFL makes diversity and inclusion possible for every resident in the Suncoast region of Florida.

our mission

Advancing the well-being of refugees and immigrants, one step at a time.

NicerFL aims to provide newcomers with mentorship, family education and resources, and social support networks, so they can overcome challenges and social integration, achieve self-sufficiency, and find a sens of place in their new communities.

By connecting refugees and new immigrants to caring mentors and tutors from the community and guiding them through complex systems and resources, we strive to uplift their social, emotional, and economic well-being.

our vision

Fostering a true sense of belonging.

NicerFL envisions a Suncoast region of FLorida where newcomers can truly feel supported.  We aspire to empower them to integrate fully, contribute meaningfully, and forge lasting cross-cultural connections that enrich our community as a whole.