Student Signup Form
The Newcomer Student Program promotes English language acquisition, builds social and emotional skills, and fosters academic success. We keep our programs culturally and linguistically sensitive by engaging bilingual/bicultural tutors, when possible, and youth peer leaders. Our staff are also supported by the Community Navigators who serve as a liaison between parents and the school. Volunteer tutors and peer tutors who are our youth community leaders meet with students individually, providing guidance and leadership in curriculum activities. They provide additional social skill development for newcomers, creating relationships, strengthening English skills, and supporting social and emotional learning.
- Free individual tutoring in academic subjects and English to K-12 newcomer students by volunteer adult and peer tutors/youth community leaders
- Community Navigators from the immigrant communities serve as a liaisons between the immigrant families of the newcomer student and the school staff and teachers. They offer information about the child’s education and advocate for the parents’ rights. The goal is to provide social-emotional support to the student and the immigrant family as well as involve parents in their child’s education
Students meet with tutors once or twice a week virtually or in convenient locations such as schools, libraries, community centers and other public places. Currently, due to COVID restrictions, all tutoring sessions are virtual via Zoom. The goal of our Newcomer Student Program is to create welcoming spaces for newcomer students where they can thrive and develop academic, English language, and social-emotional skills. Our volunteer tutors are caring adult role models. Together, volunteer tutors and students create lasting, mutually beneficial relationships that build bridges in our communities. Advocating for Students
- We engage parents and family members in their children’s education. Mentors communicate with parents at least once a month to provide parents with a space where they can discuss questions and concerns about their children’s education, as well as share information and knowledge with each other.
- NicerFL’s goal is for parents to feel empowered to communicate with schools and teachers and make informed decisions for their children.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in tutoring, you may fill out our Newcomer Student application form and you will be contacted by a staff member about space availability and a start date. For more information, email us at: or call (727) 370-9822
- Once enrolled, newcomer tutoring students are expected to:
- Participate in at least 2 hours a week in the scheduled sessions with the tutor
- Take no more than 2 weeks’ break from tutoring during one semester
- Log in on time and prepare for the tutoring sessions
- Participate actively in the tutoring sessions and complete activities as guided by the tutor
- Special conditions of virtual tutoring in the time of COVID
- Minimum technical requirements are to have access to a computer or a tablet with wifi access
- Ability to log in Zoom app to meet with a tutor
- Continue with the same tutor throughout the semester of virtual tutoring